An insight into some of our
Home is Here. Bringing the latest technologies to make Gweru communities attractive living spaces.
Youth CLUBS Revitalization
Life in Gweru’s underprivileged communities is inseparably tethered to Youth Centers.
These institutions serve a vital role as providers of arts education, cultural enrichment, sports, and social welfare services to their communities. As creative spaces for the locals, these centers are outdated, desolate, and muddled. They require substantial structural and technological renovations. In early 2021, T4G will initiate a pilot project at Shumba Youth Center in Mambo Township. T4G will install eco-friendly solar panels to generate reliable electricity for the center. With reliable electricity, T4G will be able to equip the youth center with computers, musical instruments, and internet services. Such developments will enable T4G and other stakeholders to train local citizens in various fields and to offer various social services.
STEAM Training
T4G STEAMgineer CLUB, an initiative by our professional engineers, seeks to prepare students for jobs that don’t yet exist.
This is done by using technologies that have not yet been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet. A key to developing these skills is strengthening Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) competencies in every unprivileged student. The Club will strive to inspire student’s interest and passion for STEAM career paths; foster creativity, invention, critical thinking, and incorporate project based learning with authentic STEAM experiences. For those with an interest in Digital Communication Systems, students learn the conceptual design of a communication link, develop code to simulate a communication link using MATLAB tools, and finally assemble a fully functional AM Radio Receiver.
Mobile Health Screening Centers
T4G Mobile Health Services, an initiative by our certified medical staff, seeks to build and maintain long-lasting partnerships with locals.
This will be achieved by offering a highly personalized and proactive approach to a healthy life. T4G Mobile Health Services provides wellness services, preventive health screenings, and vaccinations right at a community youth center. T4G services are designed with locals in mind, so managing their healthcare needs is as simple as possible. Locals will gain invaluable insight about their overall health with fast and accurate results. On‑site health screenings are a convenient way to reach locals with vital information that promotes healthier choices and healthier communities.
Gafa Restoration
T4G, in partnership with the Gweru City Council, seeks to restore the Gafa soccer fields at Mtapa Township.
Soccer is a growing sport worldwide. Talent among African players is deep and professional soccer scouts are noticing. Therefore, aspiring young players in Gweru need the proper environment to get a shot to compete against the world’s soccer elites. The Gafa soccer complex sits desolate and many a dream have been shattered. T4G envisions a first-class recreational sports complex built specifically for the locals in Gweru communities. The complex will be an incredible asset to the Gweru communities; a place the locals could be proud of and a place fit for these great communities.
Soccer Academy
T4G Soccer Academy is an initiative that seeks to promote and develop professional grass roots soccer.
T4G believes that developing kids through soccer and teaching them good values, how to win and how to lose, is critical for the well-being of Gweru communities. The Academy envisions locally trained soccer players competing in and winning the World Cup. Thus, the Gafa soccer fields are an essential component to the vision. They allow T4G Soccer Academy better serve underprivileged youth athletes by offering a space to learn the basic fundamentals of soccer while promoting a fun, safe, and competitive environment for kids of every age and level of ability.

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